Medication Assisted Treatment

Addiction Recovery located in Knoxville, TN

Medication Assisted Treatment

About Medication Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) with Vivitrol® helps manage substance use disorders like alcohol addiction and opioid addiction. It reduces cravings and prevents withdrawals, so you can comfortably achieve sobriety. At Victory Treatment Program in Knoxville, Tennessee, addiction medicine specialist and board-certified family nurse practitioner Stacey Maltman, FNP-BC, and the team regularly use medication-assisted treatment. Call Victory Treatment Program today to schedule a MAT treatment consultation, or book your appointment online. 

Medication Assisted Treatment Q&A

What is medication-assisted treatment (MAT)?

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) uses prescription medication to help people with substance use disorders achieve and maintain sobriety. At Victory Treatment Program, Stacey and the team offer MAT with Vivitrol, a non-narcotic medication that treats alcohol and opioid dependence. 

MAT is only one part of addiction recovery. To achieve the best possible results, the team prescribes it alongside support groups, mental health counseling, and routine medical care. 

How is Vivitrol different from medications like buprenorphine and methadone?

Victory Treatment Program only prescribes Vivitrol, a non-narcotic medication. Other providers use similar drugs, but there are distinct differences:


Vivitrol is an injectable version of naltrexone, a non-narcotic drug used since the 1980s to treat opioid and alcohol addiction. It blocks specific receptors in the brain, preventing the “high” that comes along with their consumption. 


Buprenorphine is an opioid partial agonist. Like Vivitrol, it prevents cravings and eases withdrawal but presents certain risks. Specifically, it maintains a certain level of opioid medication in the bloodstream but not enough to produce a “high.” 


Methadone is similar to Vivitrol and buprenorphine in that it eases the symptoms of withdrawal and prevents euphoria associated with drug and alcohol consumption. However, it is an opioid, so it can be addictive. Methadone use requires intense supervision and can increase the risk of relapse.

Who is a good candidate for medication-assisted treatment with Vivitrol?

You might be a candidate for medication-assisted treatment with Vivitrol if you’re already on the road to recovery and no longer use opioids or alcohol. If you’re still using, the team recommends you wait. That’s because Vivitrol can interact with opioids and alcohol, increasing your risk of an overdose or other severe complications. 

Stacey and the team combine Vivitrol treatment with resources, such as support groups and counseling, to ensure positive outcomes. Working with a qualified therapist can help you better manage cravings so you can achieve lasting sobriety. 

What happens during MAT for substance abuse?

MAT with Vivitrol involves monthly checkups at Victory Treatment Program. At each visit, a team member administers a Vivitrol injection into your upper buttock. The medication lasts for four weeks, reducing cravings and helping you maintain sobriety.

Is medication-assisted treatment with Vivitrol safe?

Medication-assisted treatment with Vivitrol is safe and usually well-tolerated. However, there are side effects to be aware of, including drowsiness, headache, sleep disturbances, and dizziness. These symptoms usually improve within a week or two, but if they continue or worsen, let the team know.

Call Victory Treatment Program today to schedule a MAT consultation, or book your visit online.